Does I-Doser really work?
- Yup. It really works. Whether the effects of binaural brain wave is something that can be scientifically proven to be desired results. However, these results can vary according to the environment you are in for some time.
Doses how effective?
- Effects vary according to the strength of the dose. Dozler's forces; Moderate (middle), Strong (Strong), Very Strong (Very Strong), Very Very Strong (Very Very Strong) are divided into groups. The dose may not be effective when you use first. But buying a second or third time you use your brain and become more effective. So you can listen to evoke different sensations according to dose.
Does I-Doser harmful?
- Certainly there is no harm. We have already shared this experience before page. Dependence and has no damage in any form. You can do as you wish. How do you do it if you want completely.
How to use I-Doser?
- Doses in a dark environment, use and then close your eyes and covering your eyes. Do you care to inpatient upright Vicuña. Headphone type is recommended as the inner-earphones. In the first use "Modaret to" try your level.
Headphones should be?
- Any headphone you can listen to your phone or MP3 player. The important thing is leaving sound quality. How much better if I-Doser audio experience that much better.
Does I-Doser really work?
Reviewed by Gundemvideolari
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