i doser, i doser Morphine,Anesthesia, Alpha, Anti Sad, Theta , Alcohol, Marijuana , Lucid Dream , Cocaine, Hand of God, Serene, DeltaDelta I heard this dose many times just before sleeping. I cannot say that I reached delta state because simply I didn’t sleep. Though it was very relaxing.
Serene- Light relaxing effect. Not that impressive. I took this dose some times after work but I didn’t feel so much serene after it.
Hand of God- Well this is interesting but expensive. I don’t know if it worth the $200 This dose is messing with your brain frequency. It starts by synchronizing your brainwaves to a low relaxing frequency then suddenly the frequency gets higher and higher very fast. This is like a takeoff. I cant describe it. I remember though that when the frequency started rising, my awareness skyrocketed. I heard my breathing differently, I felt the heart beat and blood flow on my brain, arms and legs and also I felt a heat wave exhibiting from my face. Interesting and scary feeling. My anxiety also increased.
Cocaine – A beta session that gives you energy. I tested it once and I observed a slight mood lift. Not exactly what I expected but it had some positive effects.
Lucid Dream – Lucid dream is a nice session to listen to before sleeping. It is deeply relaxing but I have never become lucid on my dreams.
Marijuana Great relaxation effect. You will not go to bed with this dose but you will feel relaxed and light-headed. It is a nice and pleasurable dose.
Alcohol – A free dose that comes with i-doser player that has a moderate relaxing effect and a slight mood lift. Good dose for testing idoser but not so strong.
Content – This is the second free dose that comes with idoser. Not much of impression here. It is a typical binaural beat session. I don’t remember to feel content after it finished.
Theta – Super relaxing dose which put you in theta range. Great for meditation and mind programming. I used to take this dose just before sleep or evening naps.
Sleeping Angel Not much to say here. It is supposed to sleep with this dose but I remember that I never slept during this.
Anti Sad One of the first doses I tried. This one worked fine. I had a bad feeling that day and my mood was very down until I listened to anti sad. After the session the bad feeling had gone and I no longer felt depressed. I don’t exclude that the reason of feeling good might be a placebo effect but I only judge the result.
Alpha Great dose for relaxation and visualization. This dose is good for taking a break from your busy day. I used to take it after work for mind programming, absorbing new knowledge and refreshing. It is just a good alpha session.
Anesthesia- Well I wasn’t interested to take this dose but I gave it a try because of a recent incident. I woke up in the middle of the night at 4 a.m with a killing pain in my stomach. I wasn’t able to get any sleep and so I listened to this dose as it helps with pains. Although I didn’t expect anything to happen, surprisingly the pain ceased till the end of the dose and finally I got some sleep. Well, you now may think that it was a coincidence but the story doesn’t end here. The following morning while I got up to get ready for the work the pain came back. It was stronger now so I ended up in hospital for some checks. My point is that this dose is pain relief that can give you some moments to calm. I suggest this dose.
Morphine – This dose is one of my favorites. I tried it recently with the stomach pain incident I told you previously. I took this dose when I came back from hospital. I fell asleep while listening to this dose but before loosing consciousness I remember an extreme relaxation feeling. It was really nice. The fact that I was on my bed, as I was listening to the session, it was enough to make me feel happy… Besides I slept so deeply that it was like a near death experience. I recommend you this dose for an extremely deep relaxation experience.
i doser
Reviewed by Gundemvideolari
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